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Successful Fundraiser for Khalsa Aid

With at least 300,000 new COVID-19 cases per day, and 1 death from COVID-19 every 5 minutes, the situation of the COVID pandemic in India is pushing the country's health care system to its breaking point.

According to Khalsa Aid, an an international NGO providing humanitarian aid in disaster areas and civil conflict zones around the world, "we are currently witnessing a humanitarian crisis in India of proportions never witnessed before as medical infrastructure is buckling under the pressure of the global pandemic."

We have decided to support Khalsa Aid in their efforts to aid medical networks, medical organizations, facilities and NGO’s across India who are working directly on the ground to assist COVID-19 patients. We held an online fundraiser, and after 2 weeks of raising awareness have raised and donated $380 to Khalsa Aid.

We are immensely grateful to all those who have donated in support of Khalsa Aid and India's COVID-19 relief.

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